Friday, February 13, 2015

Pre-Apocalyptic Valentine's Day.....

Hey everyone,
     I know it has been awhile since my first post. I am really trying though. As soon as I think I have something to say I decide that people won't want to hear it.
     So, it's the day before Valentine's Day and Friday. What does that mean? Valentine's Day parties at school! On Wednesday my friend Danielle and I took the kids to Walmart to pick out their Valentine's and get stuff for the classroom parties. First off, Walmart is hell around any kind of event, and we had five, yes five, kids under the age of nine with us. That was an event in itself lol. So in the first post I think I told you guys that my son has a mild form of Autism, well try taking an autistic child to Walmart when it is slam packed with people. After two hours we were finally leaving with everything that we needed. A few tantrums later that is. My darling 10 year old daughter didn't want to come with us, so we picked out the stuff for her class as well. Yay! It's only Wednesday and we are done!
      Yesterday as my daughter got into the car at carline she tells me that she has to go to Walmart and get her little boyfriend something for Valentine's Day. You should have seen the look on my face. Are you serious not again!? So here I was going to Walmart again, the day before all of the school parties! I'm telling you, I HATE WALMART! We get the stuff for her little boyfriend (do 10 year olds really have boyfriends?) and we pick out a couple of things for her teachers' and we are out of there! Score for mommy! Later on we get all of the Valentine's ready so they can bring them to class, and my son asks me to help him. Kaleb's idea of help (which honestly is probably every kids) is me doing it for him. So mommy does his Valentine's and then everyone goes to bed!
      Ok, so this morning I wake the kids up and try to get them ready for school. I think I mentioned in my last post that mornings at my house are literally like World War III! Lately the kids have been late to school a lot. The problem here is that we only live 5 minutes away from the school. Seriously, we should not be leaving our house at 7:38am when school officially starts at 7:40. So I generally wake the kids up between 6:45-7:00. I only have 2 kids! I have seen them get dressed, brush their teeth, and eat breakfast in less than 20 min (yesterday to be honest), so why do they act like this is something new? I was told what a horrible mother I am, how much I am hated, oh and it's not their faults that we always run late. It's mine because I should wake them up earlier. I'm telling you when I use to wake them up earlier it was much worse. My daughter said that they are always running late because I won't stop yelling at them. I have tried to sit on the couch and just let them get ready their selves, but that doesn't work either.
       My daughter has this awesome field trip that she is supposed to be going on, but if they have 3 or more tardies they can't go. I think today was her third tardy. I do have to say that her classroom is all the way at the back of the school, and my son doesn't get tardies because his is at the front. I don't think that's very fair. She has a much longer walk so why should she get penalized because of that? Yes we should get there before 7:43, but be realistic. I think that they should have a 10 min leeway. I mean yeah if someone is 30 min late that's one thing, but when they are only a couple of minutes that should not be held against them. Ella doesn't understand that she may not be going on her field trip, but when the teacher tells her she is going to be mad. Then it's going to be all of my fault, and I will just be the worst mother in the world.

    Ok so my rant is over. I think that I'm going to start writing out my blogs so they aren't all over the place. That's just kind of how my thoughts are though. My English Comp professor told me once that I need to pick one subject and stick to that, so that's what I am going to try to do. This blog is just kind of therapeutic for me. Well I hope everyone has a wonderful Valentine's Day, and don't let your kids drive you insane! If you have to lock yourself in the bathroom just so you can take five minutes to yourself, then do it!

Monday, January 19, 2015

Here I go....

        So I have been trying to start a blog for years, but I always fail at it. Usually I just feel like people wouldn't want to hear what I have to say, or I just really don't know what I want to say because I have so many things going on in my brain at once. My friend Stacy told me the other day that I should start a blog because other moms might be going through the same thing I am, and it could help them to see that they are not alone. Seeing as this is my first blog post it will probably be kind of long so if you get bored easily I won't hold it against you for stopping here. Hey, I have to keep stopping because I am trying to cook dinner and do this at the same time. Multi-tasking is what us moms and even dads are best at right?
      I guess I will start off with telling you guys a little about me. I am a 31 year old mother of two, a Psychology student, and a part-time server. My husband and children are amazing, but they drive me so crazy sometimes. I have to say I have wondered a time or two if it would just be healthier for them if I just ran away! Like right now when my son is complaining about eating dinner. Ok so, my daughter is 9 1/2 years old and she is really smart. She loves to sing and dance and I can't forget Minecraft and YouTube tutorials. My son is 8, and he loves all things Call of Duty and watching music videos on YouTube! He also has PDD, which is a mild form of Autism, and a mood disorder. He still suffers from seperation anxiety and he sneaks into our bedroom every single night to sleep with me. It does put a damper on mine and my husband's alone time. Sometimes I really feel like I am losing my mind. Like literally going batshit crazy. Like right now as I said. He acts like he can't do anything by himself. It's always "Mom get me a drink!" or "Mom! I said come here right now!" Are you serious? The fact that he thinks it's ok to talk to me like that or any other adult is still so astonishing. He also still doesn't understand that he doesn't get anything that way just amazes me. Sometimes I really wish it was ok to beat the crap out of him. It really doesn't work though. I can spank him, I can take his electronics away, and I can ground him, but it still doesn't phase him. Going back to the above comment, I really just want to run away or have myself locked in a padded room for awhile. It would really be a vacation! I know that I would really miss them though so that's what stops me, but the thought is still there. I'm sure everyone can agree with me on that. He is what pushes me to go to school and get my Psychology degree. I knpw that there has to be something else that can help him because the medicine sure as hell isn't.
       I know that people say God won't give you more than you can handle, but I really question that. Most people in my social circle don't know everything that goes on in my life, and of they did I think they would understand why I sometimes have my moments. I really don't mean to go off on the random store clerk, or even the customer service people that I sometimes have to call, but man I hold so much in and I have to let it out at some point so I don't go on a murderous rampage. I really am sorry afterwards. I know that I'm not perfect, and I don't expect perfection from my family, but sometimes I just wish that they could say please and thank you. Is it really that hard? It's the least that they can do.
       Alright, let me talk about my house for a minute. I try to keep it clean, I swear, I really do. It's just right after I mop the dogs decide that it's the perfect time to go outside and dig a hole and then come back in and rub that dirt all over the floors again. Or the kids accidently spill their drinks everywhere and forget to clean it up. How hard is it to grab a towel and clean up your mess? It then turns into World War III in my house, and I end up having to clean it up myself, or I forget about it because I have to go put out another fire somewhere else. I promise I will get to it eventually! Probably the next time I mop, or when my husband mops. He does help me out alot. Even though he has his moments too. I really think maybe we need a break. Like a real date where we can dress up and go eat an adult meal without me the kids screaming, yelling, and fighting, and without me burning the chili for chili dogs like I did tonight. Hopefully soon.
       If you are still reading this thank you! I will try to post again soon because this is kind of therapeutic. Try not to go batshit crazy and I will do the same!